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Boba Fett vs Han Solo and Obi Wan Kenobi vs Darth Maul Star Wars Anthologies?

Scified 2015-06-03 14:41:24 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1311065960827821.png

In a recent article in which we covered returning Star Wars writer Lawrence Kasdans interview with Vanity Fair, we speculated that a young Lando Calrissian could likely appear in a Han Solo / Boba Fett anthology movie, and it seems the force was strong with us on this one. A source has reportedy confided with Schmoes Know that Han and Boba will face each other in the already reported second anthology movie due for release in 2018, with Lando, Chewbacca and bounty hunter Bossk also likely to star. The movie will likely a science fiction western (Firefly anybody?) filled with Star Wars trademark action, while exploring the characters histories together. Iron Man 1 & 2 star and director Jon Favreau and Matthew Vaughn are possible contenders to replace Fantastic Four's Josh Trank, after the directors recent and somewhat ugly 'sacking' from the project.

It is unknown whether or not Temuera Morrison will return to portray Boba Fett, or whom will be cast as a younger Han, Lando and Chewie. Chris Pratts current contract with Marvel Studios, and thus by extension Disney could put the actor, due to hit the big screen soon in Jurassic World, in hot contention for the role of a younger Han, though in all likelihood we doubt it.

Disney and Lucasfillm are also planning another Star Wars Anthology movie for release in 2020, and while hard facts are scarse, a lot of speculation is suggesting the movie could be an origins story of the Jedi Master Yoda. Another possibility is a single Star Wars Anthology movie or possibly even a trilogy which could see the return of Scottish actor Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi. If reports, again from Schmoes Know, are true the movie(s) would chronicle the Jedi Masters years in seclusion on Tatooine, possibly seeing the return of his former adversary and murderer of his mentor Qui Gon Jinn, the Sith Apprentice Darth Maul, portrayed in Episode One by stunt actor Ray Park. Disney are reportedly in talks with McGregor to reprise his role, while Park has already expressed his interest in returning to the Star Wars universe.

Article Published:
2015-06-03 14:41:24

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