Oscar winning Puerto Rican actor and co-star of last summers hit blockbuster Guardians of the Galaxy Benicio del Toro (pictured above) is in the running to play a villain in director Rian Johnson's eighth episode of the Star Wars saga, according to a report from The Wrap. Reportedly discussions with the Wolfman and Sin City star and his representation are still in the early stages, but allegedly both Disney and Lucasfilm are eager to sign del Toro, whom won an Oscar for best supporting actor for his widely acclaimed role in Steven Sodebergh's critically acclaimed 2000 movie Traffic.
Del Toro, whom is not related to Pacific Rim Mexican director Guillermo del Toro, recently stated that he may not reprise his role as the Collector in 2017's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Star Wars Episode VIII is expected to begin filming next year, with a 26th May 2017 release date scheduled.
Article Published:
2015-07-21 00:06:29