2013's Man of Steel was both a reboot of the Superman movie franchise and the first instalment in a cinematic universe of movies featuring and starring characters from DC Comics. A month after the movie was released in theatres director Zack Snyder announced at the San Diego Comic Con that the sequel would see the last son of Krypton face off against Gotham City's Dark Knight. Shortly afterward, and to much controversy Ben Affleck star of critically panned 2003's Daredevil was cast as the Caped Cruader, and for months was the target of a hate campaign by fans.
Yet, upon the release of a black and white image of Affleck in full costume standing opposite the movies newly designed Batmobile, widespread opinion did an about turn with fans heralding the actors rendition of the dark detective as the best yet. So profound is popular opinion that the star of David Finchers critically acclaimed Gone Girl recently accepted the offer to not only write and star, but also direct a solo Batman movie.
According to new reports it seems that DC and studio Warner Bros. are looking to extend the offer into a trilogy, essentially making Afflecks Batman the pivot of their cinematic universe. Should Affleck accept the offer production will most likely begin after the release of his forthcoming movie Live by Night, which is currently in pre-production and expected to be released in 2017.
Article Published:
2015-08-09 12:38:31