Director Zack Snyders sequel to last years Man of Steel, a reboot of the Superman movie franchise and the first instalment of Warner Bros. planned DC Cinematic Universe, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, will see the last son of Krypton (Henry Cavil) face off against Gotham City's favorite son (Ben Affleck). The face-off movie will also act as a precursor to the much anticipated Justice League movie, both of which are being filmed back to back, with Dawn of Justice pencilled in for a May 6th 2016 release date, and its sequel, the Jutice League movie has yet to recieve its release date.
Filming for Dawn of Justice is currently underway in Pontiac, Michigan. But recent pictures taken on location show the previously reported Superman statue (pictured above) set to feature in the movie (itself presumably reported to have been erected by the people of Metropolis in honor of Supermans sacrifice to stop Genral Zod's terraformation attempts). However, the statue seems to not ony be in ruins, but visited by a plethora of extras laying down flowers and Metropolis and Gotham news vans in attendance, as seen below.
Could it be that DC's most powerful superhero meets his demise towards the end of the sequel forcing surviving hero and multi-billionaire Bruce Wayne/Batman to gather together our planets greatest heroes to form a superteam capable of defending the Earth from the antagonist responsible for the Man of Steels death - could it be that Dawn of Justice is set to feature the uber-nemesis Doomsday? What do you think?
Thanks to Batman News for the news!
Article Published:
2014-06-26 11:46:13