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Batman: Arkham Knight Release Date Announced!

Scified 2014-06-15 03:58:16 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/322782611348174.png

Batman is considered by many to be DC's premier super hero, not bad considering the guy actually has n super powers whatsoever. Briefly during the seventies and eighties Superman enjoyed the spotlight courtesy of his big screen portrayal by the legendary and sorely missed Christopher Reeves, but since his inception from the mind of creators Bob Kane and Bill Finger. On bothe small and big screen many actors have portrayed the Caped Crusader - Lewis Wilson, Robert Lowery, Adam West, Michael Keaton (real last name Douglas), Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale and in the forthcoming big-screen adaptation of Worlds Finest; Ben Affleck. Yet for many youngsters and the young at heart the true voice of the Dark Knight is voice actor Kevin Conroy.


Conroy has supplied his voice for the worlds greatest detective in the acclaimed animated series and many of its offshoot animated movies, as well as voicing the character in many video games, including the recent and highly praised Batman: Arkham games. Conroy will return to voice the character in the forthcoming Batman: Arkham Knight, which sees the return of original franchise developer Rocksteady Studios. Recently Conroy talked to Groovey.TV (above @ 5:00) and let slip that the game, which was recently delayed, is due for release in January.

"It was suppose to come out in january, we've been working on it for a year and a half, and it's still not done. So it's going to come out next january. But I know everyone is frustrated, the reason why it's been delayed is because it's so awesome."

"Well this new one is going to be, it's just going to rock your world. It's massive, it's exciting, you literally fly with Batman through Gotham. I mean it's, it's really sweet. And you drive the batmobile. I mean you do all this stuff in this game!".

Article Published:
2014-06-15 03:58:16

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