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Attack on Titan U.S. Release Dates Announced!

Scified 2015-08-14 15:09:08 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1592764294587224.png

FUNimation has finally announced the U.S. theatrical release dates for both Attack on Titan and, the second part, Attack on Titan: End of the World. The first movie will hit theaters September 30th and the sequel will follow October 20th!

Both films will receive a limited theatrical release not unlike FUNimation's theatrical release of Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F, which recently broke anime box office records. I expected Attack on Titan would be released in this fashion-- This method allows for FUNimation to specifically target fans and genre enthusiasts instead of wasting time on “general audiences” who wouldn't really get it.

FUNimation has subtitled an earlier Japanese trailer and added english title cards to promote the release. Check it out:

Attack on Titan is currently playing in Japanese theaters. The film's sequel, Attack on Titan: End of the World opens September 9th. Both films are directed by Shinji Higuchi. The television miniseries Attack on Titan: Beacon for Counterattack will air August 15th.

Attack on Titan will hit U.S. theaters September 30th. Attack on Titan: End of the World will follow up the stateside release in theaters October 20th.

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Article Published:
2015-08-14 15:09:08

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