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Another classic Star Wars character returning for Rogue One

Scified 2016-08-05 21:46:10 http://www.scified.com/articles/another-classic-star-wars-character-returning-for-rogue-one-62.jpeg

In addition to the news that Darth Vader will be showing up in Rogue One, we're now got word that another classic Star Wars character will also be appearing.

Jimmy Smits conformed on The Talk that he'll be back as Bail Organa, Princess Leia's adaptive father. Don't get your hopes up for a big performance, however, as he confirmed that he's only going to be showing up in a cameo. 

As Organa was instrumental in forming the Rebel Alliance, it's likely that he'll be responsible for feeding the Rebels new information to defeat the Empire in the film. Keep in mind that Organa dies when Alderaan goes boom, so Smits is unlikely to be showing up in anymore Star Wars films.

Article Published:
2016-08-05 21:46:10

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