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Amy Pascal To Produce Future Spider-Man Movies!

Scified 2015-02-05 14:02:52 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4007757243085.png

Movie producer Amy Pascal made a lot of bad press recently during the Sony hacking scandal with many of her emails being leaked; emails that called into question her possibe future at Sony Pictures Entertainment as its co-chair-person. But with her contract with Sony ending in March, Pascal is reported to be setting up a new production company which for the next four years will be funded by SPE. As part of this deal she will produce the new Ghostbusters movie and any future Spider-man movies. It is unknown if Avi Arad still remains onboard as producer, though we suspect it is likely.

Will The Amazing Spider-Man 3 f*ck up Venom yet again?

Despite both Felicity Jones (Felicia Hardy AKA Black Cat) and J.K. Simmons (J. Jonah Jameson) eager to reprise their roles and a flurry of social media scams claiming production on Amazing Spider-Man 3 is already underway, and the alleged breakdown of talks with Marvel Studios and Disney to incorporate the character into the MCU, it remains to be seen how Sony plan on reviving the flagging franchise. Especially considering recent rumors claiming that Sony blame Andrew Garfield for the lacklustre performance of the Amazing Spider-Man movies, and not the over indulgence of producer Avi-Arad and Pascals questionable management skills - while SPE are quick to remind us tat the Spider-Man movie franchise has raked in over $4 billion, this is spread over 5 movies, only the first two of which were of any recognizable quality.

Article Published:
2015-02-05 14:02:52

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