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Alien: Covenant's Ridley Scott produces another Alien sci-fi thriller, Phoenix Forgotten!

Scified 2017-04-11 11:11:25 http://www.scified.com/articles/alien-covenants-ridley-scott-produces-another-alien-sci-fi-thriller-phoenix-forgotten-19.jpg

Do you believe? The Phoenix Lights was a popular U.F.O phenomenon which took place in Phoenix, Arizona in the month of March, 1997 and remains one of the biggest, or at least most widespread U.F.O encounters ever recorded. Dismissed as a routine Military training exercise, the incident sparked a plethora of conspiracy theories among those who believe in Alien life. Alien: Covenant director Ridley Scott produces PHOENIX FORGOTTEN, a sci-fi thriller based on the supposedly true events involved with the Phoenix U.F.O sighting. Check out the trailer below:

*Cue the X-Files Theme Song*

Do you believe in U.F.Os and Alien life? Do you believe we have already been visited and continue to be unaware of Alien presence on Earth today? Do you think the Phoenix Lights were a government training exercise or an actual display of Alien technology? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

PHOENIX FORGOTTEN hits theaters April 21st, 2017!

Article Published:
2017-04-11 11:11:25

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