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A Pumpkinhead remake is currently in development!

Scified 2021-12-19 18:51:44 http://www.scified.com/articles/a-pumpkinhead-remake-currently-development-10.jpg

The sci-fi horror cult classic of the late 80s, Pumpkinhead is getting a remake! According to Bloody Disgusting, Paramount Players have developed a script and production on the film has begun to ramp up! The late Stan Winston’s original film from 1988 did not perform so well during its limited theatrical run but found more success when it was released on home video - acquiring a unique fan following and appreciation within the cult horror genre. The film spawned 3 sequels, the last one releasing in 2007 titled Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud. Only the original however was given a theatrical debut, the sequels were straight-to-DVD or TV movies.

According to the report:

[Paramount Players] is looking hard into developing existing intellectual properties, which is why [it’s] conjuring up a remake of Pumpkinhead. A script is completed and production is ramping up.

Pumpkinhead's plot involved a demon, summoned by 80s sci-fi icon actor Lance Henriksen (Aliens, Terminator, Alien 3, Alien vs. Predator) who played the lead role of Ed Harley. In the film, Ed Harley establishes a bond with the creature he conjured and must fight to stop its murderous rampage. The movie featured some awesome practical visual effects by Stan Winston Studios (Aliens, Jurassic Park, Predator).

Whether or not Tom Woodruff, Jr. (The man who built and wore the original Pumpkinhead suit) and Studio ADI will be involved has yet to be confirmed but we hope they will be involved one way or another!

Are you looking forward to a Pumpkinhead remake? Let us know in the comments!


Article Published:
2021-12-19 18:51:44

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