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5 Usability Heuristics Applied To Video Games

Scified 2019-10-19 13:44:57 http://www.scified.com/articles/5-usability-heuristics-applied-to-video-games-51.jpg

If you have been an avid gamer since childhood then you do not need anyone to tell you that the video game realm has changed greatly over the years. Heck, there are now virtual reality games available that allow you to immerse yourself deep in the game. There was once a time when this type of technology seemed like a future concept. This is no longer the case at all. That being said, there are also a lot of heuristics that are being implemented into video games. Anyone not familiar with the term heuristics just simply needs to know that this is a fancy way for saying mental shortcuts. Heuristics are mental shortcuts that can ease the cognitive load of decision making. Here are 5 common mental shortcuts that you can find in some of today’s games.

The System Status

One of today’s most common shortcuts is the ones that keep you in touch with the status of your system. This is not only extremely important, but it can be helpful if used in the right manner. For instance, you will probably notice that most games today show your character’s life as well as his or her stamina. These dynamics will help you throughout the game in determining which actions you can and cannot successfully take.

Commonality To The Real World

The commonality is extremely important when it comes to gaming. Yes, most individuals can look things up and put two and two together, but this is a process that takes time. And, since heuristics are all about saving time that is what needs to take place. This is why most of today’s game makers are trying to match the gaming world as close as possible to the real world. The system should speak your language and this will make the entire journey more navigable.

User Control And Freedom

It doesn’t matter how talented or skilled at a game you are, there are going to be times when you make mistakes. Mistakes that could be more than costly. Just the simple slip of a finger and you could be looking at a loss or starting back over from point A. Whatever the situation is, this is where today’s games excel. Many of today’s games allow players to go back and undo their choices. This is not only handy for progressing the game efficiently, but it is a process that could potentially help you avoid unneeded or useless dialogue. For instance, when playing poker or blackjack at ufabet, you will have the ability to confirm your decision before you make it final.

Consistent Standards

If you get into a game a play it for years, you are going to become adapt to the controls. Pushing the R2 button to fire and the R1 button to aim will just seem natural. Switching to a new game with new controls and be a total nightmare. And, this is why many of today’s gamer manufacturers are choosing to keep the controls the same. This gives the player the benefits of already knowing how to control their hero or character.

Preventing Errors

Errors are something that no one wants to experience when gaming. And, it is safe to say that today’s manufacturers have done a pretty good job of eliminating most bugs and glitches. In fact, most of the systems and games available today will warn you before you do something drastic that cannot be undone.

Article Published:
2019-10-19 13:44:57

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