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13 Films Based on Video Games

Scified 2021-03-01 10:39:17 http://www.scified.com/articles/13-films-based-video-games-18.jpg

There are more video games out than ever before and plenty of games have found their way to the big screen. A lot of video games have massive followings with millions, or even tens of millions of dedicated players. Some players are so hard core that they will use services like AskBoosters to improve their rankings in games. With dedicated fans like that, it is only natural for a movie studio to pick up the rights to make a movie out of a video game as there is already a built in following predisposed to watch the film.

A few movies adapted from video games have been pretty good, some mediocre and others downright terrible. To avoid stepping on any toes we make no judgments here. The movies made from video games in our list are ranked based on release date, not on how bad or good we think they are. Here is a list of 13 movies based on video games:

Top Films Based on Video Games

Article Published:
2021-03-01 10:39:17

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