Review Godzilla Raids Again film review by Big Bri

Written By Big Bri on 2018-02-20 18:18:35
Ah yes, this film. This film was nothing short a disaster, but can you blame it? It had to live up to the expectations of the world, since the original was so good, why wouldn't this one be good as well? I've watched both the English and the Japanese versions of this film. While the Japanese one still isn't up to par, the English one is downright horrid. Having some terrible voice acting and voice overs as some of the worst parts. But the Japanese one still had its moments too, the music was okay and the special effects were bad at times. Even the fight scenes were sped up, making it look even worse. The only real good thing to come out of the movie was the idea that monsters could fight each other. Wouldn't recommend if you're not a hardcore Godzilla fan.