Godzilla Movie

UPDATE: Millie Bobby Brown Excited to Star in Godzilla: King of the Monsters!

Scified2017-01-27 16:25:27https://www.scified.com/articles/millie-bobby-brown-cast-godzilla-king-monsters-52.jpeg
Written by Matt35,996 Reads9 Comments2017-01-27 16:25:27

UPDATE (01/30/17):
Briefly, Millie Bobby Brown spoke to Entertainment Tonight about her enthusiasm for Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

"I just had a really incredible connection with the director. I had a great meeting with him and you know, I just really love him."

Brown couldn't elaborate on the story or role, but she quite excited and confident about it.

"It's my first movie. I'm really excited and that's really all I can say, but it's going to be great!"

Stay tuned for more as it comes.

Original article:
The monster-sized sequel to the highly anticipated 2014 Godzilla film has begun its first round of casting. Mille Bobby Brown has been cast in the film in an unspecified role. Details of the plot as well as character details are unavailable at this time.

Millie Bobby Brown is best known for her breakout role as 'Eleven' on the Netflix series 'Stranger Things'. In the show, she played the role of a young telepath who had been the subject of secret experiments by a shady government entity. The show was nominated for a Golden Globe, and went on to become one of Netflix's highest rated shows.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters will be her first major feature film role. The film is also the third in Legendary's new Kaiju Cinematic universe. Stay tuned to Scified as more casting announcements come in regarding the Godzilla sequel!

Godzilla: King of the Monsters is set for a release on March 22, 2019. Michael Dougherty is directing the project, along with his partner Zack Shields, with whom he co-wrote 'Krampus'. No other cast members have been confirmed for the film as of yet.
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MemberBaragonJan-27-2017 4:36 PM

Finally happy to hear casting! Closer and closer to the film's release. Once again, the hype begins.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-27-2017 4:55 PM


G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJan-27-2017 5:03 PM

This is some of the best casting news in the history of blockbuster casting news. Millie Bobby Brown is wise beyond her years in terms of nuance and she absolutely annihilated it in the fantastic Stranger Things! This is a massive, massive, massive home run for Godzilla: King of Monsters! Holy cow!

Why can't I like this article 20 more times?

Appalachian Outlaw

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-27-2017 5:15 PM

A women to star in a Godzilla movie is newer and interesting to me. Is anyone else starring alongside her?

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJan-27-2017 5:18 PM

^Plenty of women have lead Godzilla movies before though.

Undoubtedly she will have co-stars. They simply haven't been announced yet.


AdminSpaceGodzillaJan-27-2017 7:44 PM

Indeed I'm very excited by this news. I guess this means the likelihood of Godzilla 2 filming this year (as early as March even) is pretty high.

The King of the Monsters

MemberBaragonJan-27-2017 8:31 PM

Good to see some casting news for the film finally.


MemberBaragonJan-28-2017 7:43 AM

Well they started this casting off with a hot name. Let's see who gets to be in it with her.


MemberTitanosaurusJan-28-2017 11:24 AM

Hopefully the good casting keeps on rolling

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