Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World 2 to film at an Army base?

Scified2017-02-18 09:13:30https://www.scified.com/articles/jurassic-world-2-film-at-army-base-20.jpeg
Written by Matt16,897 Reads3 Comments2017-02-18 09:13:30

It is now very close to the start of production for the anticipated Jurassic World sequel. The title has not been revealed as of yet, but as filming gets closer it is expected that it may be announced very soon. Jurassic Outpost received some information regarding a new filming location for the sequel.

The website reported via an anonymous source that set construction had begun in Minley, Surrey (United Kingdom). This area is not far from Pinewood studios where studio filming will take place. Interestingly, the location is described as an 'army training grounds'.

Filming at the location will take place at Hawley Commons as well as a former Jet Engine test site. The filming is expected to take only a few weeks, lasting from the middle of April to the beginning of May.

The website reported scene descriptions as well, which hint at the scope of the sets, with heavy usage of vehicles involved as well. The sites appear to utilize a helicopter landing zone as part of the set construction.

While plot details about the movie are still vague, Jurassic Outpost obtained some details about scene descriptions. In addition, vehicle traffic at this site is rumored to be extremely heavy in relation to filming. Apparently green screens will be utilized in these scenes, which may indicate the addition of special effects involving dinosaurs as well. They may also be utilized to superimpose a backdrop as well of another locale.

The scene descriptions are both spoilerly and vague at the same time. They may be read in full at the link as to avoid a possible takedown from Universal by this site. However, we will say that it does seem to be the lead up to a cinematic set piece. As two weeks are spent filming at this location, this may be part of a major action scene, if these scene descriptions are correct. 

Source: Jurassic Outpost

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2017 9:56 AM

I had gotten onto IMDB late yesterday and it says that they actually have started filming, as they said that they would start sometime this month on some news outlet I had seen prior, which is pretty exciting to say the least.



MemberStegosaurusFeb-18-2017 8:08 PM

The military base could be where Owen gets ready to head back to Isla Nublar


MemberStegosaurusFeb-18-2017 8:15 PM

I take back what I said after reading the Jurassic Outpost article. This sounds like a scene with some action involved. 

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