MemberConversationalistMar-27-2015 1:02 AMplease SHARE any video clips that you may feel is beautiful and well made. i thought this was brilliantly done. they all seem to somehow have some roots in alien / promethues or other franchise.
r´ha Alienz Vs machine Trailer 2013
Sci-Fi Short "ABE" from - Rob McLellan
SEED, Short Film
RUIN - An animated short set in a post-apocalyptic universe
Dead Salvage - Kickstarter Trailer by Paul Sach
The Signal // VFX Sci-Fi Short Film by Marcus Stokes
Dead Salvage - Kickstarter Trailer by Paul Sach
*Moved to General Sci-fi and posts embedded by Svanya
Admin2KMar-27-2015 5:21 PMHere is a neat Sci-Fi short/trailer i'd like to share. They will be making it into a proper movie soon.
*I can't embedd it because it's on Vimeo so just click the link. :)
MemberConversationalistMar-28-2015 1:22 AMdidnt know there was so much stuff floating around,.
MemberConversationalistMar-28-2015 2:21 AMsvanya
the leviathan trailer rocks !!!
artwork and animation is great.